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The undergraduate minor in African American Studies is designed for students interested in understanding the broad dimensions of the discipline of African American Studies and critical interdisciplinary scholarship. The undergraduate minor requires six (6) courses of which two are required:

  • AAS 100: An Introduction to African American Studies
  • AAS 200: Theories and Methods in African American Studies

Students enrolled in the undergraduate minor must complete four (4) courses, two of which must be at the advanced level, within or among the following areas:

  • Arts, Aesthetics, and Expressive Culture
  • Ethics, Politics, and Society
  • History, Culture, and Theory

Sample Curriculum Pathway

First Year

  • AAS 100: Introduction to African American Studies
  • Course which substantially engages the history, culture, or ideas of slavery and race in the making of the modern world

Second Year

  • AAS 200: Theories and Methods in African American Studies
  • Elective course

Third Year

  • Three courses within or among area(s) of concentration
  • Elective course

Fourth Year

  • Elective course
  • AAS 399: African American Studies Atelier

African American Studies, Minor Requirements

Requires 18 hours in the minor.

Course NumberCourse Name
AAS 100Introduction to African American Studies (3)
AAS 200Theories and Methods in African American Studies (3)
Select twelve hours of electives (at least two at the 300 level) from among the following areas:
I. Arts, Aesthetics, and Expressive Culture
II. Ethics, Politics, and Society
III. History, Culture, and Theory

I. Arts, Aesthetics, and Expressive Culture

Course NumberCourse NameCredit
AAS 207Black Popular Culture3
AAS 220African American Cultural Criticism3
AAS 294Black Art in the US and Great Britain since 19453
AAS 370Special Topics in Arts, Aesthetics, and Expressive Cultures in African American 3 Studies3
HMN 223African and Caribbean Literature3
ENG 301Individual Authors (when topic is Toni Morrison)3
ENG 302Ideas in Literature (when topic is Black is Beautiful: African American Poetics 3 and Aesthetics 1919-2019)3
ENG 356Literature of the Caribbean3
ENG 381Studies in African-American Literature (when topic is appropriate)3
ENG 387African-American Fiction (when topic is appropriate)3
ENG 389African-American Poetry3
REL 376Race, Religion, and Film3
THE 376Multicultural American Drama3

II. Ethics, Politics, and Society

Course NumberCourse NameCredit
AAS 310Organic Leadership: Lessons from the Black Freedom Struggle3
AAS 330Politics of Black Religion3
AAS 340Ethics of Black Power3
AAS 350Politics of Black Liberation3
AAS 380Special Topics in Ethics, Politics, and Society in African American Studies3
ANT 335Anthropology of Space and Place in the U.S3,4
SOC 364Power, Politics, and Protest3
SOC 384Special Topics Seminar in Crime and Criminal Justice (when topic is 3 appropriate)3
POL 213Economic Inequality and American Politic3
POL 223African American Politics3
POL 226American Constitutional Law: Civil Rights and Liberties3
REL 246Religion and Race3
REL 338 Religion, Ethics, and Politics3
REL 374Black Messiahs and Uncle Toms3
REL 375Race, Myth, and the American Imagination3
WGS 364Women of Color, Feminisms, and the Politics of Resistance in the U.S.3
WGS 383Race, Gender, and the Courts3

III. History, Culture, and Theory

Course NumberCourse NameCredit
AAS 106Atlantic World since 15003
AAS 105Africa in World History3
AAS 110Introduction to Africana Philosophy3
AAS 120Introduction to Black Women’s Studies3
AAS 205Black Cultural Studies3
AAS 210African American Intellectual Traditions3
AAS 266The History of the Slave South3
AAS 271African American History to 18703
AAS 300Black Feminist Theory3
AAS 272African American History since 18703
AAS 315African American Social and Political Thought3
AAS 320Philosophy and Race3
AAS 322Critical Theories of Race3
AAS 324Race and the Modern World3
AAS 341Africans in the Atlantic World, 1750-18153
AAS 355Africana Political Philosophy3
AAS 375Black Lives3
AAS 387Black Radical Tradition3
AAS 378Race, Memory, and Identity3
AAS 376Civil Rights and Black Consciousness Movements3
AAS 391Themes in Africana Philosophy3
AAS 392Seminar in African American Studies3
AAS 396Independent Study in African American Studies3
AAS 397Directed Reading in African American Studies3
ANT 111Understanding Culture Through Ethnography3
ANT 325Roots of Racism: Race and Ethnic Diversity in the U.S.3
ENG 387African-American Fiction (when topic is appropriate)3
HMN 200Introduction to Humanities: Themes in Literature, Culture, and Film3
REL 107Introduction to African Religions3
REL 345The African-American Religious Experience3
REL 348Race, Memory, and Identity3
REL 373Special Topics in African-American Religious Traditions3
REL 393Topics in Religions of Africa3
SOC 359Race and Racism3
WGS 322Feminist, Womanist, Murjerista Theologies: Constructive Perspectives on 3 Christian Thought3

Fall 2025 Courses

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